Squat July 2012

Hey team.

I really hope you have all had an amazing week?  I know I have.  I have heard and seen some amazing results from clients through-out this week.  Well done to all my clients and friends at FCNZ for doing the hard yards during winter.  This will really help you be fit and toned for summer and not leave it till the last minute.

Today, whilst talking with a soooooper star client; Jen Smith, we came up with a cool challenge for her.  She loves a challenge and I thought this would really be challenging.  She has set a great goal of doing 10,000 squats for the month of July.  That is 322.5 squats a day.  Basically 15-20 minutes of her day each week.  She is in her late 50’s and is geared up for this task.  How frigin awesome is that!!!!!!!!!

After chatting with her, I thought “Why not open this up to EVERYONE” .  Why not set up a little monthly challenge for anyone to have a crack at.  So here is “The Chiefs” very first “SQUAT JULY 2012″.

So here is what you need to do:

  1. Pick and goal:
  • 5000 squats (161 a day)
  • 7500 squats (242 a day)
  • 10000 squats (322 a day) On the last day, add 2 more squats to make up the un even numbers

2.  Once you have picked the goal, post it on FB by clicking here.

3.  As a little test, Take a measurements of you bum and mid thigh (As long as your measurement stays consistent throughout) and keep a weekly record to see if your body starts to change 🙂  If you are doing this, along with a regular exercise routine you should see some great results.

4.  Once a week, I will post on FB how I am going for Squat July (Yes I am doing it) and I would love to hear how you are doing.

5.  At the end of the challenge, again post on FB how you went and what you found hard, or enjoyable about it.

Now there is a lot of talk about “What range should we go for?”  Basically the whole adage of going ass to ground is great if you have the flexibility for it.  If not, then you should aim for at least a 90 degree bend in the knee.  As long as your posture, range of movement and stability is not compromised, then we are all good.

Some one asked me at the studio tonight “why would you do this?”  Simple really.  Most people start a goal, and in the first week they fail.  Through various reasons, they find it hard to keep on track, so why not make a little competition out of it.

So team, let me know how you go.  Go hard and I am looking forward to seeing how it all goes.

The Chief


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