How do you react when the chips are down?

Good Afternoon everyone.

In life, we are always surrounded by numerous challenges.  Whether they massive ones where a decision can cause a big chain reaction, right through to “where did I put my car keys?  I can’t find them and I am going to be late”.

7 years ago, even the smallest thing that would happen to me, I would start looking at people to blame.  Saying “Woah is me”!  That life is not fair.  He looks better because he has better genetics.  I can’t get a break!  The list goes on and on.  Back then, I would look for people to give me sympathy.  What did this teach me.  It taught me that by being a slacker and a blamer, I was not growing myself and not learning to look at the situation and deal with it.

Fast forward to now.  He is what I now do:  I always look for the positive in it.  There is always a silver lining in everything we do.  Even the extreme things that happen to us.  I don’t look to blame anyone.  If I am in a situation, there is always a way out.  I always learn from things that happen to me.  How it happened, why it happened and then use those learnings to better myself.

So the question I ask you in this.  If the Chips are down, how do you react?

Here is to continuing learning, growing.  Remember to live a great lifestyle, being fit is one part of it.  The other is that we are mentally fit.


The Chief

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